


Testing Application

For Service Providers

For Equipment Vendors 

For Enterprises

Network as a Service

A Service-Centric Testing Approach

Workflow & Features

Capabilities & Architecture

Benefits & Takeaways

Workflow & Features

A Streamlined Testing Workflow to Test Services All in One-Go with Virtual Test Probes & Advanced Debug Capabilities

Test Workflow

Ethernet & IP Services Testing

Subscriber Point of View

Frame & Packet Screening 

A Testing Workflow Streamlined at its Best

Test Workflow

Full Service Specification

Define All Your Ethernet & IP Services From Top to Bottom Using ‘Smart’ Service Specification Tables!

Auto-Generated Test Lists

Instantly Generate Exhaustive Ready-To-Run Lists of Test Cases Specifically Tuned to Each of Your Defined Services!

Powerful Virtual Test Probes

Powerful Test Traffic Generator Capable of Blasting at Up to 100G!

High-Powered Test Session

Run Tests in Batches at High-Speed with Advanced Debug Capabilities!

Test Record Issuance

Instantly Generate Test Records and Securely Share Them with Customers, Partners and Colleagues!

Services Testing

Simply Test Everything of a Service

Ethernet Services

E-Line, E-LAN, E-Tree 
Access E-Line, Transit E-Line 

Dedicated (Ethernet, …)
Broadband (DOCSIS, PON, …)
Wireless (Satellite, 5G, …)

Interface Speed 
Virtual Connection
Maximum Frame Size
Minimum Frame Size
Service Frame Delivery
Classes of Service
Bandwidth Profiles
Egress Map
IEEE Layer 2 Control Protocols
Proprietary Layer 2 Control Protocols
MAC Security Protocol
Service OAM Transparency
Service OAM Peering

IP Services

Internet Access (DIA, BIA)

Dedicated (Ethernet, …)
Broadband (DOCSIS, PON, …)
Wireless (Satellite, 5G, …)

Access Link
Access Link IPv4 Addressing
IPVC Connection
IPVC Cloud
Maximum Transmit Unit
Minimum Transmit Unit
Prefix Map
Class of Service
Ingress Bandwidth Profile
Egress Bandwidth Profile
UDP Throughput
EP Egress COS Map
SOAM Transparency
SOAM Peering

Subscriber Point of View

It's All About What the Subscriber Gets and Can Do with a Service

Focuses on the Subscriber rather than the network or technology so it’s meaningful!

Functional Behavior
How is the service functionally behaving?
Protocol Handling
How are protocols handled by the service?
Available Bandwidth
How much bandwidth is actually available from the service?
Measured Performance
How is the service actually performing?
Frame & Packet Screening

Fine-Tune Every Bit & Byte with the Handy to Use Frame / Packet Building and Screening Capability

Ethernet Frame Builder

Easily build any type of Ethernet frames using the smart 'Frame Generator' tool

IP Packet Builder

Easily build any type of IP Packet using the smart 'Packet Generator' tool

Test Probes

Generate traffic at the rate you want from a number per seconds all the way to full 100 Gbps

Screening Session

Choose from pre-defined traffic patterns or customize yours so you can analyze any type of traffic

Capabilities & Architecture

Future-Proof Testing Architecture and Technology Combining Cloud, Virtualization and APIs

Cloud Hosted

Virtual Test Probe

GUI & API Test Mode

Test Collaboration

Use Cases & Environments

Sister Applications

Cloud Hosted

Testing is Moved to the Cloud

Everything is hosted in the cloud so all can be securely accessed from anywhere at anytime! 

Virtual Test Probe

Powerful Virtual Test Probe Software Runs on Low-Cost White Boxes And Open OS

Virtual test probe software runs on Linux-based OS installed on off-the-shelf servers equipped with Intel-based processors and 1G, 10G or 100G Network Interface Cards

Built from the Ground Up to be Operated in GUI or API Mode Interchangeably

Testing can be conducted manually via GUI or automatically via API seamlessly

Test via GUI

Conduct testing with the easy-to-navigate GUI

Test via API

Automate testing with the easy-to-implement Test API

Test Collaboration

Collaborate with Partners and Customers Using Embedded Permission-Based Test Sharing Capabilities

Share Test Probes

Test using your own and partner / customer probes

Share Test Sessions

Test and troubleshoot with partner / customer in real-time

Share test Records

Review and analyze test results with partner / customer

Use Cases

Leverage the Many Features of the Testing Application to Test a Wide Range of Use Cases in a Variety of Environments

Lab environment
Field environment

R&D testing
QA testing
GA testing
Upgrade testing
Regression testing

Vendor equipment qualification
Partner services qualification
Service activation testing
Customer troubleshooting
Customer showcase

Catalog Application

Designed to Work in Tandem
with the Catalog Application

Ensures that all Products specified in the Catalog are duly tested!

Supervision Application

Designed to Work in Tandem
with the Supervision Application

Ensures that faults detected during monitoring are troubleshooted with adequate testing!

Benefits & Takeaways

It's Unique in its Genre, Nicely Architected and the Way Forward for Testing

Service-Oriented Approach

Futureproof Architecture

Phase Out Legacy Testing


It's a Unique Service-Centric Testing Approach

The Testing Application focuses on testing services from the point of view the subscriber making it meaningful and relatable!


It's Architected Towards the Future

The Testing Application is architected around the cloud and virtualization allowing testing to massively scale with minimal hardware deployment!


It's Time to Phase Out Legacy Testing

The Testing Application combines features and capabilities that surpasses currently deployed legacy hardware-intensive / labor-intensive testers and technologies! 

Next Steps...

Ask a Question

Write us a message if you have any questions and we'll get back to you shortly!

Request a Demo

We'd be pleased to organize a demo for you and your colleagues!

Subscribe to App

You can subscribe directly online in your Lab in the Sky account!​